IB Extended Essay Writing Guide for Students 

Updated: 10 Feb 2024


IB Extended Essay Writing Guide for Students

IB Extended Essay Guide

IB or International Baccalaureate is a two-years course of study taken by students in high schools. It is offered by international schools around the world, and it’s a great opportunity especially for foreign students. 

This program opens the door to university in different countries, as the diploma obtained after passing the exams, commonly held in English, French or Spanish, is recognised throughout the world. 

You are able to choose main subjects and additional ones in the course. Moreover, every subject has a level of difficulty. The results of an exam are controlled by the commission at the central level and the competition between candidates is high. 

These schools promote holistic education that is based on cognitive, physical and emotional education. In addition, it should be said that like all private schools, studying has its cost. 

After completing the course, students must write a mandatory essay. If you’re not a native English or other language speaker, this kind of essay can be more challenging compared to essays in other colleges. One of websites where skilled experts can help with writing this type of essay is mycustomsessay.com/ib-extended-essay.html

The idea of failing in composing an essay is comprehensible. In order to make the grade in writing an academic paper before you get the diploma, you must follow IB extended essay guide scrupulously. You have to go to the official website of the IB organization, and read the requirements attentively, as it can be updated. 

International Baccalaureate Extended Essay

As presented earlier, an International Baccalaureate extended essay is the last component of the puzzle before you get the IB Diploma. If you have difficulties inserting the last piece of this puzzle, you’re invited to ask for help on mycustomessay.com

International schools are very popular and required, despite the cost. But let’s see some advantages which can bring an IB Diploma:

  • International career: by getting an internationally recognised diploma, you have more opportunities to enter any university worldwide. Consequently, the job market for you widens significantly. Knowing and speaking more foreign languages fluently, lead you to international job opportunities. 
  • Global – minded: on applying to the IB program, you will meet students from all countries. This experience allows you to relate to different cultures and mentalities, promotes respect and understanding of all people, and it abolishes national cultural boundaries. 
  • University preparation: the IB Diploma serves for university admission and it is considered as an entrance exam. From the beginning a student is guided towards the subjects preferences, and teachers help with university orientation. 

By writing a successful IB extended essay you undoubtedly have more alternatives for your future education. By following the link, you will find an IB diploma handbook with a detailed explanation. The IB program has a wide range of subjects, in this way you are able to explore different fields and to ensure which one is suitable for you. 

Like everything in the world, there are some disadvantages, which are: the cost and workload. Not everybody can afford the amount of money required, and the program is very intensive. The last assignment to complete will be an extended essay. 

IB Extended Essay Format

Every type of essay has a standard format to follow. Commonly the structure requires title page, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion and bibliography. Moreover, like many academic research papers it must be written in a formal and professional manner. 

IB extended essay format is a little bit complicated compared to others. Your essay will be correct by a central commission, and you must follow the indicated format comma by comma. You can gather fantastic information, carry out unique research, but the major rule to adhere to is structure. That’s why it’s indispensable to check updated information that you can find here. 

One of the hardest challenges in writing an IB essay is the whole citation process that must follow a recognized academic style such as APA or MLA. It is advisable, therefore, to choose your style of references at the very beginning. In this way, you will avoid forgetting some citations.

If you have opted for a topic in literature or history, you might be more relaxed, as you can write it in the traditional style. But if your interest is science, you might conduct an experiment, describing it in an essay. The positive aspect in writing your research work is a possibility to choose a topic alone, and you are able to demonstrate your knowledge in the subject you know the best. 

Buy An IB Extended Essay

If the ultimate stair to raise is an IB essay, and you are struggling with it without success, take in consideration an option to buy an IB extended essay. It can be tough to concentrate all your creativity and your knowledge within 4000 words. The ideas can be like chain links which you need to put together, but one more link in your case can compromise all your fatigue. 

It must be added that IB essays exceeding 4000 words will be undermined by the committee. It’s important to know that examiners do not read appendices, so all important information must be written in the body of text. So, your task is to carry out research, analyze findings, and connect logically in a research paper theory with practice not exceeding 4000 words. 

Not all the students are able to achieve a desired result, because examiners are severe and selective. As a matter of fact, ponder your choice well, and if the only way to save your dream is to buy an IB essay, don’t hesitate. 

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M Muzamil

M Muzamil

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