Practical Tips to Learn & Read the Quran During Ramadan

Updated: 03 Dec 2024


Practical Tips to Learn & Read the Quran During Ramadan

For Muslims worldwide, Ramadan is the most critical month for fasting, spiritual contemplation, and religious activities. One of the salient features of Ramadan is the increased emphasis on Quran recitation and comprehension. Here are some valuable strategies to enhance your Quran Study during Ramadan.

1. Set Clear Goals

Create a Rechta to read your favorite literature, especially the holy Quran, before the beginning of the holy month of Ramadhan. Choose steps of how many sacred textbooks you will focus on each day of the week. Making promises on such reachable targets will ensure that you remain motivated during the month. For instance, you could plan to read one Juz’l ‘(section) daily or reach out to complete the whole Quran by the end of Ramadan.

2. Create a Structured Schedule

This reading rate must be maintained for steady progress in studying the Quran. Draft up everyday activity patterns you will be comfortable with and follow diligently. Specific hours may be identified for reads such as after Fajr and just before Iftar, the breaking of fast on that day. Reading frequently, in short spurts, will be more reasonable and productive than long, irregular readings of this type.

3. Use Different Materials

Use all the appropriate materials to broaden your approach to learning the Quran. In addition to reading, you may also want to listen to Quranic recitations and lectures. Many sites and apps provide translations, Tafsir, and audio resources, which can be helpful.

4. Prepare Yourself to Memorize

Ramadan is one month during which people can actively devote effort to memorizing parts of the Quran. Every week, set your sights on a short Surah (chapter) or a few selected verses to learn. Of course, review and repetition will be important, so it is a good idea to set aside a few minutes every day to go over the Quran texts that have been internalized.

5. Take Part in Quran Study Groups

It may also help you to join a Quran study group. Many places organize online/in-person study circles during the month of Ramadan. Joining the group makes learning easier, as you can exchange ideas, ask questions, and encourage yourself to achieve the objectives.

Quran reading

6. Try to Contemplate the Message

It is important to note that the purpose of Quran reading is to recite and look for meanings within the recitation. Meditate on the verses that you have read. Look for a translation or Tafseer to assist you in better understanding the verses: what was the background, and what benefit could the verse bring? This step helps you to grow spiritually because you would be drawn closer to the text and the context its meanings may have.

7. Make Quran Journal

Using a journal helps one keep track of one’s progress and insights. Capture your reflections, new insights achieved, and any questions that were raised. Re-reading one’s journal boosts confidence and reinforces one’s knowledge.

8. Add Dua (Supplication).

When reading the Quran, what aspect do you usually start and end with? The answer to this query is simple: as the Hindu proverb puts it, “Every beginning is only a sequel, after all.” This means that one has to solicit for developing these imageries from his God before beginning further with this reading.

9. I was practicing after Reading Needs to Be the Practice, too.

There is the aspect of reading and learning the Quran, and there is the aspect of translating those teachings into what is done in everyday life. Aim to practice the teachings from the Quran in your circumstances and regarding people around you.

10. Last but not the least, have some Patience.

It is interesting that reading and understanding the Quran is a process and does not have a definite period for achievement. Most importantly, practice patience on yourself because if obstacles arise, patience becomes the most effective tool in overcoming such barriers. Practice and persistence are essential components. It is okay if you miss one day or even a few if you are working on specific targets; aim for moving forward, and don’t let setbacks deflate them.


The month-long fast of Ramadan is another excellent time to grow spiritually and get closer to Allah. Devoting oneself to reading and studying the Quran can help further heighten this practice. Having measurable performance standards, being time-bound, and employing other available aids make achieving significant milestones in your Quranic studies possible. 

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